mercredi 8 janvier 2014


2 texts: first in French, second in English

             V  V              V V                    FUNAMBULES          V    V           V   V       V

            V   V V V                  V  V V                      V V  V V             V V      V V V       V V

                                              Sous les chauds rayons du soleil

                                           Qui  exaltent tendrement  ma peau

                                                J'entends chanter les oiseaux

                                              Depuis l'aurore, ils sont en éveil

                                        Vaquant à  leurs occupations du moment

                                                 En allers et retours incessants

                                          Certains à  pattes parcourent le jardin

                                        A la recherche de leur petit ver du matin

                                               Enfin, ils s'installent sur un fil

                                      Attendant la belle à qui compter fleurette

                                          Toute simple cette primitive recette

                                            Pour réapprendre la vie qui jubile


               V  V              V V            TIGHTROPE WALKERS          V    V           V   V       V 

              V   V V V                  V  V V                      V V  V V             V V      V V V       V V

                                                       Under the hot sun

                                               Which exalt my skin tenderly

                                                     I hear the birds sing

                                            Since dawn, they are awakened

                                     Going about their business of the moment

                                             Work back and forth incessant

                                              Some in legs travel the garden

                                     A search of their little worm from morning

                                             Finally, they settled on a thread

                                    Waiting the beautiful one with whom to flirt

                                           Very simple this primitive recipe

                                            To relearn the life which exults

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